Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Let's test the end times interpretations.

Hurricanes, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Wars and Rumors of Wars, are these the signs that an anti-Christ is about to appear in the middle east? Are these the signs that we are about to see the Roman Empire revived?  Are these signs evidence of a ten nation union headed by the anti-Christ is about to emerge? 

What if the popular interpretations we have heard and read in western society about the aforementioned questions are not the best representation of scripture?  In this blog will be challenging popular end times interpretations of prophecies such as the rebuilt temple theory of Jerusalem, the 7 year tribulation and 3 and 1/2 year tribulation model, premillenialism, 7 year rapture and 3 and 1/2 year rapture,  pretrib rapture, midtrib rapture and who are the nations are the beast.

We will take another look at these prophecies and use a New Testament model to interpret prophecies, rather than an Old Testament model which the majority of today's prophecy teachers use.   I will be using excerpts from my book "The key" to elaborate on these topics.    I will be coming from the premise that the Old Testament is about the natural and the New Testament is about the spiritual and the spiritual is greater than the natural.

Also, my premise is the Old Testament is the shadow and The New Testament is the reality and that Jesus reveals and fulfills all the Old Testament through the New Testament.  In addition I will be writing about the experiences and the influences that shaped my view of prophecy.